Biodegradabile vs. Compostabile

Biodegradable vs. Compostable

Biodegradable or Compostable: that is the question

When to choose  biodegradable bags are not enough, bioplastics and paper can make the difference

Biodegradable is not compostable. How many know this difference? Few. Very few . However, this is one of the many fundamental steps to take. Understanding the difference between biodegradable elements and compostable elements is useful to avoid making mistakes in separate waste collection. 

Biodegradable are those materials that when dispersed in the environment easily decompose into less polluting compounds, thanks to the action of bacteria or other microorganisms. Naturally, each material has its own times and this is why European legislation has established that any product that decomposes 90% within six months can be defined as biodegradable.

Compostable materials, on the other hand, decompose in less than three months, transforming into compost (natural fertilizer). They fall into the category of food and organic waste that we throw away in the waste bin. 

Now, if we use biodegradable bags to collect this waste we are simply mixing compostable materials with materials that are not and which should be thrown away in plastic. Consequently, our separate waste collection, our activism for the good of the planet would be little or nothing, nil. This is why it is essential to understand this difference. 

So, which bags to use for waste collection? In all this chaos we often understand little or nothing, but don't worry, we'll come to your rescue. Be careful to choose bags that are made of bioplastic or paper, 100% compatible with what they contain. This is why they are easy to dispose of. 

Remember: biodegradable is not compostable, knowing this can make the difference!

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