Clima: il 2019 pare essere stato il secondo anno più caldo della storia

Climate: 2019 appears to have been the second warmest year in history

The UN's World Meteorological Organization (WMO) declared 2019 as the second warmest year in history since these records were made. It seems that the temperature has risen every year since 2015. From last January 2019, until October, temperatures remained 1.1 degrees centigrade higher than the annual averages and this continued until December 2019, so much so that we experienced a "warm Christmas" with little snow in mountain areas.

The cause of all this can be found in the famous man-made greenhouse gas emissions, which result in a strong retreat of glaciers and a rise in sea levels. A continuous circle of causes and consequences that are seriously damaging our planet and will continue to do so if we do not choose to take serious action.

In 2020, temperatures appear to be continuing to rise and in certain areas of Italy, as well as the world, the problems are among the most serious.

There is talk of devastating tropical cyclones, ocean heat at record levels and degradation of marine ecosystems; still sudden downpours and floods, violent fires like those that destroyed Australia and so on. In any case, no intervention, for now, will be able to come close to achieving the objective of the Paris Agreement, i.e. that of limiting the average increase in global temperatures to between 1.5 and 2 degrees at most by the end of 2100.

The Paris Climate Conference makes clear the tragic current climate conditions, also underlining how tragic the future could be if real measures are not taken and we choose to invest in renewable and less polluting sources.

Last year began with Greenpeace's participation in the Viareggio Carnival, where volunteers chose to parade in front of a float representing a giant dying whale submerged in plastic. In addition to denouncing the production and use of plastic, the activists also moved to denounce the climate change that has affected our planet. And there have been many other demonstrations to denounce what is happening. Among many there was also that for the growing production of meat, responsible today for 14% of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. Once again a dangerous vicious circle from which it is difficult to escape. But what is easier and more evident is the continuous struggle that young people and activists are continuing to fight with even greater determination.

2020 continues in this direction, increasing even more commitment and determination.

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